School Messaging-Text Notification Remind 101
Post date: Dec 16, 2016 5:26:45 PM
Good day to all of our patrons of Sasakwa Schools! This message is to notify you of a change in how the school will be getting messages out to all parties concerning ball games, special events, closures of school, etc. We will no longer be using the call system we have used in the last few years, but will be going to a text notification system called Remind 101. There are multiple sections available and you should subscribe to ones that you need information from. We have set up classes for the Whole School, High School, Elementary School and a special one for staff members. You may choose to subscribe to all three or just the ones that you have students in. I would recommend that you sign up for the whole school and the level your child is a student of at the least. This will allow you to stay in the loop to receive notifications of what is happening here at school. For purposes of the classes we will deem high school to contain grades 7-12 and elementary to be grades 3 year olds to 6th grade. We are not responsible for the cost of texts if you have a pay-per-text plan. If you have unlimited texts there is no cost to receive the messages sent by the school. The majority of messages going out from school will be to the whole school link. To sign up for the new messaging system please follow the directions shown here.
All lists are joined by sending a text to the following phone number: 81010
In the message area please enter the following code to join the given class:
Whole School: @f88hb4 (include the @)
High School: @a7dbhf
Elementary School: @bfagg
You will receive a text to verify that you do want to join the given class. Once again, this is the only way that you will receive notifications that are not posted on our Facebook page or school webpage. We hope this transition will go smoothly and the new system will work for your school district.
Thank You!